Dr. Carmen Cao's acknowledgements

Noticia 2013-05-09

Dear colleagues, professionals and friends:

The Chilean Society of Hematology (SOCHIHEM) completed a stage of scientific projection and mission as specialists in Hematology, participating as hostess at the recently concluded Highlights of ASH Latinamerica event, held in Santiago on 25 and 26 April 2013.

The "Scientific Program" covered the most interesting areas of our specialty, giving us an enriched discussion with exhibitors and hematologists of the continent. Attendance exceeded all our expectations.

Special interest aroused the "Breakfast Session" where we exchanged views on the regional Hematology. Each participating country could expose their needs, problems and desires, in order to improve continuing medical education. We committed to a collaborative project in different areas of study: clinical, laboratory specialty, protocol design and all scientific interaction platforms.

"Lunch with the Experts" was of great scientific exchange and colloquial talks, in an atmosphere of camaraderie that certainly marked the integration between the participating societies and all attendees.

The day before, April 24, 2013, was presented for the first time CRTI-LA: "Clinical Research Training Institute in Latinamerica" pilot program with different levels of work and training in clinical research. It was very well evaluated by those who participated and this will mark the start of an excellent training era.

We had the privilege and honor of celebrate the "Hundred Years of Birth of Wallace H.Coulter", visionary man, connoted scientist, philanthropist, lover of science. He dedicated his life humbly to this purpose. The "Wallace Foundation H. Coulter" contributes extensively to maintain education and scientific activities in different regions of the world. Thus Foundation representatives participated in our event. We sincerely thank Dr. Elias Caro, Vice President of Technology and Development, and in his person to all members of the Foundation, for their valuable and constant support.

"Trainees" from different regions were benefited with the support of ASH, the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation and SOCHIHEM. For those just starting in our specialty are certainly these instances, which continue motivating medical improvement.

We thank everyone at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) and its President Dr. Janis Abkowitz, for their expertise, scientific knowledge, organization and unconditional contribution.

I want to emphasize special mention and infinite gratitude to the Co-Chairs of this great event, full of surprises and circumstances, which will be engraved on the memory of all. A warm greeting and handshake to: Dr. Agnes Lee, Dr. Martin Tallmann, Dr. Jorge Alfaro and Dr. Jaime Pereira. We can proudly say that they were the pillars of this enriching program.

For the global team of ASH thank you very much; without their support and many hours of preparation and organization would not have been possible to reach the goal.

To all the "LA Partners Societies", in Latin America and other regions, thanks for giving prominence to the Hematology with their presence. We need to come together on common projects with a single purpose: To improve the health of our patients. This should be our first mission.

Special thanks to the pharmaceutical industry, representatives of scientific foundations and all exhibitors for their invaluable contribution and complete dedication. This support contributes greatly to hold such events. Thank you for understanding that science advances accordingly to them.

Last but not least a “huge” thanks to the organizing team of MCI and SOCHIHEM, all the time available. Many months ago when we started with this task we wondered: Are we ready to comply with the proposal? I want to say: you were a great pillar, invaluable, tireless, willing, and what I'm most proud of is that "WE MADE IT".

We know that all foreigners felt "like at home" because they let us know it. We were a great team and as SOCHIHEM I encourage you to continue on the line of our predecessors. If we work together “we can achieve it”.

A huge hug,

Dr. Carmen Cao Pochintesta
President of SOCHIHEM

Spanish version | See Highlights of ASH LA pictures

SOCHIHEM es una organización científica sin fines de lucro, que NO REALIZA ATENCIÓN A PACIENTES NI VENTA DE MEDICAMENTOS.

SOCHIHEM NO EMITE OPINIONES ANTE DEMANDAS DE PACIENTES. Sus recomendaciones para diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades hematológicas, con la mejor evidencia actual, se encuentran descritas en sus GUÍAS CLÍNICAS.